Veterans (VA) Disability Lawyer Serving Rapid City, South Dakota
Are you a veteran living in Rapid City, South Dakota with a service-related disability, injury, or illness? If so, you may qualify for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation.
If you already filed a claim but VA denied you benefits, a veterans (VA) disability lawyer serving Rapid City, South Dakota may be able to help you appeal the decision. Call CCK today at 800-544-9144 to schedule a free case review.
VA Facilities Serving Rapid City, South Dakota
There are several VA resources available to veterans living in Rapid City. These include a VA clinic, a VA Regional Office, and a Vet Center.
Rapid City VA Clinic
The Rapid City VA Clinic offers primary care, laboratory and pathology, and audiology to veterans living in Rapid City, South Dakota. For questions or to schedule an appointment, veterans can call this clinic at 605-718-1095.
Regional Office
The Sioux Falls Regional Office administers several VA benefits for veterans throughout South Dakota, including disability compensation, pension, life insurance, Veteran Readiness & Employment, home loans, education, and training. The Sioux Falls office can also answer questions about eligibility for VA benefits, VA health care, memorial benefits, and outreach programs.
Vet Center
The Rapid City Vet Center, a community-based counseling center, offers professional readjustment counseling to eligible veterans and their families, as well as individual, group, and family counseling. Veterans can learn more by calling the center at 605-348-0077.
Securing Disability Compensation in Rapid City, South Dakota
To qualify for VA disability compensation, veterans must provide evidence of the following three elements of service connection:
- An in-service event, injury, or illness;
- A current diagnosis of a disabling condition by a medical professional; and
- A medical nexus, or link, between the in-service event and the current disability.
Providing a nexus, or proof of a link between the in-service occurrence and your current condition, is essential to establishing service connection. A medical professional can provide a nexus opinion for your claim, or VA may schedule a compensation and pension examination (C&P) to determine if a connection is “at least as likely as not.”
VA Disability Ratings and Benefits
As of December 1st, 2024, the VA disability rate benefit amounts are as follows:
- 0 percent disability rating: $0.00 per month
- 10 percent disability rating: $175.51 per month
- 20 percent disability rating: $346.95 per month
- 30 percent disability rating: $537.42 per month
- 40 percent disability rating: $774.16 per month
- 50 percent disability rating: $1,102.04 per month
- 60 percent disability rating: $1,395.93 per month
- 70 percent disability rating: $1,759.19 per month
- 80 percent disability rating: $2,044.89 per month
- 90 percent disability rating: $2,297.96 per month
- 100 percent disability rating: $3,831.30 per month
Veterans with a 100 percent disability rating may also qualify for additional benefits, including:
- Medical, dental, and mental health care from VA’s Health Care Priority Group 1;
- A grant from VA to help build, modify, or buy a specially adapted home to meet a veteran’s needs;
- Military identification cards;
- Emergency care outside of VA;
- Special Monthly Compensation;
- And more.
Appealing a VA Decision in Rapid City, South Dakota
There are currently three ways to appeal a VA decision:
- Request a Higher-Level Review of your current claim by a senior VA employee;
- Submit new and relevant evidence as part of a Supplemental Claim; or
- File a Notice of Disagreement with the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.
A Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD veterans (VA) disability lawyer serving Rapid City may be able to help you choose which appeal lane best fits your individual situation.
How Much Can a Veterans (VA) Disability Lawyer Charge?
A VA-accredited claims agent or attorney typically charges on a contingency basis, meaning they will take a previously agreed upon percentage of recovered retroactive benefits. It is illegal to collect a percentage of any future benefits a veteran may receive.
It is also important to note that VA regulates how much a representative can be paid under 38 CFR § 14.636. Any fees above 33.3 percent are presumed unreasonable.
How Can CCK Help?
If VA denied you disability compensation for your service-related illness or injury, a Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD veterans (VA) disability lawyer serving Rapid City, South Dakota may be able to help. CCK offers free case reviews to determine if and how we can help you secure VA compensation.
Reach out to CCK at 800-544-9144 now to get started.
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