Veterans (VA) Disability Lawyer Serving Cheyenne, Wyoming
Are you a veteran living in Cheyenne, Wyoming with a disabling condition related to your military service? If so, you may be eligible for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation.
If VA denied your claim for benefits, a Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD veterans (VA) disability attorney serving Cheyenne, Wyoming may be able to help. Reach out to CCK today at 800-544-9144 to schedule a free consultation.
VA Resources Serving Cheyenne, Wyoming
There are several VA resources available to disabled veterans living in Cheyenne, Wyoming, including a Medical Center, a Regional Office, and a Vet Center.
VA Medical Center
The Cheyenne VA Medical Center offers a variety of health care services to veterans living in Cheyenne, Wyoming. These include primary care; addiction and substance abuse care; cancer care; cardiology; dental and oral surgery; laboratory and pathology; mental health care; nutrition, food, and dietary care; radiology; telehealth; and much more.
The Cheyenne VA Medical Center is open 24/7 and can be reached at 307-778-7349.
Regional Benefit Office
The Cheyenne Regional Office administers several VA services for veteran across Wyoming, including disability compensation, education programs, pension, loan guaranty, information about VA health care and eligibility for benefits, and more.
Veterans can schedule telephone appointments with the Cheyenne Regional Office through their online scheduling system.
Securing VA Disability Benefits in Cheyenne, Wyoming
VA grants disability benefits to veteran living in Cheyenne, Wyoming who have proof of the following three things:
- An in-service event, injury, or illness;
- A current diagnosis of a disability by a medical professional; and
- A medical nexus, or link, between the in-service event and current disabling condition.
Establishing a medical nexus is essential to securing VA disability benefits. Veterans can request a nexus opinion from their private physician or another medical professional. VA may also schedule a compensation and pension (C&P) exam to confirm if connection between the in-service event and disabling condition is “at least as likely as not.”
VA Disability Compensation Rates
Once a veteran establishes service connection, VA will assign a disability rating to their condition. Each disability rating correlates to a monthly benefit amount.
As of December 1st, 2024, the VA disability rate benefit amounts are as follows:
- 0 percent disability rating: $0.00 per month
- 10 percent disability rating: $175.51 per month
- 20 percent disability rating: $346.95 per month
- 30 percent disability rating: $537.42 per month
- 40 percent disability rating: $774.16 per month
- 50 percent disability rating: $1,102.04 per month
- 60 percent disability rating: $1,395.93 per month
- 70 percent disability rating: $1,759.19 per month
- 80 percent disability rating: $2,044.89 per month
- 90 percent disability rating: $2,297.96 per month
- 100 percent disability rating: $3,831.30 per month
Veterans with a 30 percent rating or higher and qualifying dependents may also receive additional compensation.
What Benefits Does a 100% Disabled Veteran Get in Cheyenne, Wyoming?
VA assigns 100 percent ratings to veterans with conditions that are deemed totally disabling. In addition to the $3,32.06 per month from VA, a 100 percent disabled veteran may also qualify for the following benefits:
- Medical, dental, and mental health care from VA’s Health Care Priority Group 1
- A grant from VA to help build, modify, or buy a specially adapted home to meet a veteran’s needs
- Military identification cards
- Emergency care outside of VA
- State-offered benefits (e.g., vehicle registration)
- And more.
Appealing a VA Decision
There are currently three ways to appeal a VA decision:
- Requesting a Higher-Level Review of your current claim by a senior VA employee;
- Submitting new and relevant evidence as part of a Supplemental Claim; or
- Filing a Notice of Disagreement with the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.
A Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick veterans (VA) disability lawyer serving Cheyenne may be able to help you with the appeal process. We can recommend the best avenue for your unique situation and may be able to help you gather additional evidence to support your case.
How Much Can a Veterans (VA) Disability Lawyer Charge in Cheyenne, Washington?
A veterans (VA) disability lawyer will typically charge on a contingency basis, meaning they will only take a previously agreed upon percentage of recovered retroactive benefits. If the veteran does not win any benefits, the attorney will not be paid. Accredited veterans’ advocates and attorneys cannot take a percentage of any future benefits the veteran may win.
Specifically, VA regulates how much a lawyer or agent can be paid under 38 CFR § 14.636 . Fees equal to or below 20 percent are considered reasonable by VA, while anything above 33.3 percent is presumed unreasonable.
Was Your VA Claim Denied?
If VA denied your claim for disability benefits, a CCK veterans (VA) disability attorney serving Cheyenne, Washington may be able to help you appeal the decision. The dedicated attorneys and claims agents at CCK have decades of experience successfully fighting VA to win veterans the benefits they deserve.
Reach out to CCK today at 800-544-9144 to schedule your free consultation.
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