Veteran (VA) Disability Lawyer Serving Fort Collins, Colorado
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs reported over 400,000 veterans were living in the state of Colorado in 2017, and over 100,000 of them were receiving disability benefits. If you are living in Colorado and have recently received a denial of VA disability benefits, a veteran (VA) disability attorney serving Fort Collins, Colorado may be able to offer legal guidance while you navigate filing an appeal. At Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD, we use our knowledge of VA disability benefits claims to give our clients the best possible support, helping them to understand VA guidelines, meet important deadlines, and build strong cases for appeal.
Contact a Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD representative at (844) 549-4500 to get started with a free consultation to see if we can assist.
VA Regional Benefit Office Serving Fort Collins, Colorado
Denver: Denver Regional Office
Fort Collins, Colorado VA Medical Center
Fort Collins: Fort Collins VA Clinic
Fort Collins, Colorado VA Vet Center
Fort Collins: Fort Collins Vet Center
Factors to Consider When Filing an Appeal
When you are building your appeal, it is important to keep in mind the three factors that VA looks at to determine if a grant of service connection is warranted.
Generally, in order to receive a grant of disability benefits, you must be able to prove:
- An in-service event, injury, or illness;
- A current diagnosis by a medical professional; and
- A medical nexus, or link, between your in-service event, injury, or illness and your current diagnosis.
In order to avoid receiving a wrongful denial of disability benefits, it can be helpful to gather as much evidence as possible to submit in support of your claim. Evidence may include service records, medical records, exam results and documentation on any treatments for your condition, and lay statements from family, friends, or coworkers.
To gain a clearer perspective on building your appeal, a veteran (VA) disability attorney serving Fort Collins, Colorado, at Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD may be able to help you understand the challenges you are facing.
Proving Your Service Connection
When attempting to establish a nexus between an in-service event and your current diagnosis, various types of documentation may corroborate your claims. Such evidence may include military service records, medical records or past treatments, research studies, lay statements, and more.
Further, there are several different avenues by which veterans may qualify for service connection. Examples of these different types include:
- Direct connection: this shows the direct relationship between your service and your current health condition. Examples of this connection may include injuries sustained in combat evidenced by military documentation.
- Aggravated connection: as opposed to a health condition originating during or due to your time in service, this type of connection deals with a noted pre-existing condition that was exacerbated (worsened) by your military service. As such, your condition must have been properly documented during your entrance examination. Another situation in which this path could apply is if an already service-connected disability aggravates a different non-service-connected condition.
- Presumptive connection: this connection applies to veterans with qualifying service as defined by statute and regulation. Veterans who served in certain locations during certain time periods may be eligible for disability benefits for conditions acknowledged by the VA to be associated with that time/location.
A Look at Compensation Rates for VA Disability Benefits
After your service connection is established by VA, you will receive a combined disability rating. Your combined disability rating is presented as a percentage that dictates your monthly disability benefits. Some veterans may also be eligible for additional benefits, such as those with dependent children, parents, or spouses that meet a certain disability rating.
VA Disability Attorneys Serving Fort Collins, CO
Filing an appeal for VA disability benefits can be confusing and tedious. However, the team at Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD is here to help. Our veteran (VA) disability lawyers understand the complexities of the appeals system, and we use our experience to guide our clients through the process.
To learn more about our services, and to see if we may be able to help, contact a Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD representative for a free initial consultation at (844) 549-4500.
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