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Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Veteran Eligibility Criteria

CCK Law: Our Vital Role in Veterans Law


Are You Eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)? This visual graphic takes you through the criteria that the Veteran must meet to be eligible.

To begin, if:

  • You were married before January 1, 1957;
  • OR Married within 15 years of discharge from the period of service when the disability (that later caused death was incurred); OR
  • Married for at least one year OR had a child with the veteran; AND
  • Lived with the veteran continuously until his/her death; OR
  • If separated, you were not at fault for the separation; AND
  • You are not currently remarried (a surviving spouse who remarries on or after December 16, 2003, and on or after attaining age 57, is entitled to continue to receive DIC)

Then you are eligible to receive Dependency and Indemnity Compensation.