Veterans (VA) Disability Lawyer Serving Wichita, Kansas
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers monthly disability benefits to veterans suffering from service-related injuries or illnesses. If you are a veteran living in Wichita, Kansas with a disabling condition due to your time in military service, you may qualify for such benefits.
If VA denied your claim for disability compensation, a Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD veterans (VA) disability lawyer serving Wichita, Kansas may be able to help.
Call 800-544-9144 today for a free case review.
VA Services in Wichita, Kansas
There are several VA resources available to veterans in Wichita, Kansas, including a Regional Benefit Office, a Medical Center, a Vet Center, and nearby community-based outpatient clinics.
Regional Benefit Office
The Wichita Regional Office offers a variety of services for veterans and their families, and can answer questions regarding VA disability benefits and health care. This office is currently accepting in-person appointments for veterans.
Call 316-469-0834 to schedule a meeting or learn more about the services offered.
Wichita VA Medical Center
For veterans in Wichita, Kansas seeking VA medical care, the Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center offers primary, secondary, and long-term care services. This facility currently serves more than 30,000 veterans from across the state.
The Medical Center phone directory can help veterans get in touch with the right office.
Other VA Resources
Winning VA Benefits in Wichita, Kansas
Getting VA disability benefits in Wichita, Kansas requires proof of three things:
- An in-service event, injury, or illness;
- A current diagnosis of a disability by a medical professional; and
- A “nexus”, or link, between the in-service event and current disabling condition.
A veteran must have evidence of all three elements in order to be awarded service connection and receive monthly disability compensation from VA.
What Benefits Does a 100% Disabled Veteran Get in Kansas?
If VA accepts your disability claim, you will receive a grant of benefits in monthly installments. For a 100 percent disabled veteran living in Kansas with no dependents, this means $3,332.06 per month as of December 2021.
These are VA’s monthly compensation amounts for each rating:
- 0 percent disability rating: $0.00 per month
- 10 percent disability rating: $175.51 per month
- 20 percent disability rating: $346.95 per month
- 30 percent disability rating: $537.42 per month
- 40 percent disability rating: $774.16 per month
- 50 percent disability rating: $1,102.04 per month
- 60 percent disability rating: $1,395.93 per month
- 70 percent disability rating: $1,759.19 per month
- 80 percent disability rating: $2,044.89 per month
- 90 percent disability rating: $2,297.96 per month
- 100 percent disability rating: $3,831.30 per month
Appealing a VA Decision in Wichita, Kansas
If VA chooses to deny your claim, you still have the option to file an appeal. Appealing a Wichita VA decision can be done in one of three ways:
- Request a Higher-Level Review of your current claim by a senior VA employee;
- Submit new and relevant evidence as part of a Supplemental Claim; or
- File a Notice of Disagreement with the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.
A veteran (VA) disability attorney from Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD may be able to help you with your appeal. If you believe you are entitled to VA compensation, call 800-544-9144 to learn more.
How Much Can a Veterans (VA) Disability Lawyer Charge?
VA regulates who can represent a claimant and how much they can be paid, under 38 CFR § 14.636 .
A veterans (VA) disability lawyer will typically charge on a contingency basis, meaning they will take a previously agreed upon percentage of recovered retroactive benefits only. Essentially, if the veteran does not win any benefits, the attorney or agent will not be paid. It is illegal for accredited veterans’ advocates and attorneys to charge fees based on any future benefits.
Fees equal to or below 20 percent are considered reasonable by VA, while anything above 33.3 percent is presumed unreasonable.
Should I Get a Veterans (VA) Disability Lawyer?
An accredited veterans (VA) disability attorney can help ease the time-consuming and challenging process of filing an appeal. A Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD veterans (VA) disability lawyer serving Wichita, Kansas can even file an appeal on your behalf, significantly increasing your chance of securing both future and retroactive benefits.
If you have an ongoing service-related condition and VA denied you disability benefits, a CCK veterans (VA) disability lawyer may be able to help you get the compensation you deserve.
Call 800-544-9144 to schedule a free consultation.
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