Veteran (VA) Disability Lawyer Serving Macon, Georgia
If your service-related disability affects your everyday life or prevents you from engaging in certain activities, you may be eligible for disability benefits from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). There is help available for filing your claim in Macon, Georgia.
If you already applied for disability compensation and VA denied your claim , you have exactly one year from the decision date to file an appeal.
A Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD veteran (VA) disability lawyer serving Macon, Georgia may be able to help. Our team will review your case to better understand your eligibility and see if we are able to assist you in fighting your denial. Call 800-544-9144 today to get started.
VA Regional Benefit Offices Serving Macon, Georgia
The Atlanta Regional Benefit Office in Decatur is currently the only VA Regional Office in Georgia. If you choose to file for disability compensation, a rating specialist from this office will review your claim including any evidence and documentation you submit. They may request additional information need from your doctors, your military branch, and other sources. They also may contact you with any questions.
In most cases, you do not have to visit or even call the VA Regional Benefit Office when applying for VA disability compensation. Instead, you can visit a local Field Service Office for more information about available benefits or for help filing a claim.
Vet Centers Serving Macon, Georgia
To find information and support in Macon, United States (U.S.) Military veterans and their families can contact the Macon Veterans Field Service Office. Located at 5566 Thomaston Road, this office serves eight counties in central Georgia, including:
- Bibb
- Crawford
- Jasper
- Jones
- Lamar
- Monroe
- Taylor
- Twiggs
Staff members at the Macon Field Service Office can help you understand and apply for disability compensation and any other benefits for which you may qualify.
The rating specialist will look for specific evidence when reviewing your VA claims file. The Macon Field Service Office staff can help you understand what types of evidence will best support your claim. You can also discuss your VA disability claim with specially trained staff members at the Dublin VA Medical Center or another nearby VA medical center.
VA Clinics Serving Macon, Georgia
Your current medical records are key to the VA claims process. Before a rating specialist can determine if you have a medical condition, they must understand your diagnosis and how it impacts your life. VA requires proof of a current disability before awarding a grant of benefits.
To get documentation of your medical condition, you need to visit a private physician, a VA clinic, or a doctor at a hospital.
Find a VA Doctor Near You
The Carl Vinson VA Medical Center (also referred to as the Macon VA Clinic) on Thomaston Road is the closest VA clinic to Macon. You may be able to get a diagnosis as well as care for your service-related medical condition if you qualify.
For those who require intensive treatment or a specialty referral, the Macon VA Clinic may refer you to the Dublin VA Medical Center in Dublin, Georgia. This facility is about sixty miles from Macon.
Appealing A Denial of Macon VA Disability Benefits
If you filed a claim for VA disability benefits and were denied, a Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD representative serving Macon can review your case for free. We know what it takes to prove eligibility and may be able to help you overturn your denial.
In general, a grant of benefits requires evidence of these three things:
- An in-service event, injury, or illness;
- A current diagnosis by a medical professional; and
- A medical nexus, or link, between your in-service event, injury, or illness and your current diagnosis.
We understand what documentation is needed to meet these requirements and may be able to help you identify additional evidence necessary to your case. Since the Appeals Modernization Act was implemented in February 2019, veterans have for appealing a VA benefits decision.
The team at Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD may be able to help you determine which appeal option best fits your current situation. Your options include:
- Filing a Supplemental Claim with new and relevant evidence to support your initial claim;
- Requesting a Higher-Level Review of the evidence already in your file; or
- Submitting a Notice of Disagreement directly to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.
You have exactly one year from the date of VA’s decision on your initial claim to file an appeal.
How the CCK Team Serving Macon, Georgia Can Help
You have the option to challenge the denial of your Macon, Georgia VA disability benefits. A veterans’ advocate from Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD can review your case and explain possible next steps.
If you have a service-related medical condition but were denied VA disability benefits, reach out to Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD today at 800-544-9144.
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