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Veterans (VA) Disability Lawyer Serving Arizona

Are you currently suffering from a medical condition that you believe is a result of your military service? Did you apply for benefits only to receive a denial? A veterans disability lawyer serving Arizona from Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD may be able to help you appeal that denial and win the benefits to which you are entitled.

At Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD, our mission is to help you get the benefits you deserve for serving our country. Call us today to discuss your case for free: 800-544-9144.

Arizona VA Benefit Resources

Arizona VA Regional Benefit Offices

Phoenix: Phoenix Regional Benefit Office

Arizona VA Medical Centers

PhoenixPhoenix VA Health Care System
PrescottNorthern Arizona VA Health Care System
TucsonSouthern Arizona VA Health Care System

Arizona VA Statistics

As of 2016, Arizona has:

  • Over 515,000 residents who served in the U.S. military (more than a tenth of the state’s adult population)
  • Approximately 100,000 residents receiving VA disability benefits
  • Almost 231,000 veterans enrolled in the VA health care system (and 150,000 who have sought treatment at a VA medical center)

Arizona’s veteran population includes over 51 percent who are at least 65 years old and nearly 11 percent who are military retirees (i.e., they served long enough to be entitled to retiree or retainer pay).

How We Build a Compelling Appeal to Get the Benefits You Deserve

A successful veterans disability appeal must have the following:

  • A current diagnosis of a medical condition;
  • An in-service event, illness, or injury;
  • A nexus, or link, between your medical diagnosis and the in-service event, illness, or injury.

Establishing that nexus is crucial to obtaining your disability benefits. We do this by identifying the event that resulted in your disability and compiling evidence that links that event to your current condition.

Suppose you are claiming service-connected compensation for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that keeps you from sustaining any type of substantially gainful employment. We would need to gather and submit evidence that establishes that your PTSD stems from a specific event (known as a “stressor”).

In some cases, the VA presumes a medical nexus due to military service. This is known as “presumptive service connection.” For example, prisoners of war are eligible for presumptive service connection for certain medical conditions that the VA assumes are due to military service such as psychosis, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer disease, and others.

VA Disability Compensation Levels

Another part of our job as your VA disability attorneys is to help you get the highest benefit amount for which you qualify. To do this, we must show not only that you have a service-connected disability, we must also thoroughly demonstrate the extent of your disability, meaning the degree to which it limits your functional capacity and activities of daily life.

The VA will rate your disability on a scale of 0 to 100 percent in 10-percent increments. The more disabling your condition, the higher your rating.

As of December 1st, 2024, the VA disability rate benefit amounts are as follows:

  • 0 percent disability rating: $0.00 per month
  • 10 percent disability rating: $175.51 per month
  • 20 percent disability rating: $346.95 per month
  • 30 percent disability rating: $537.42 per month
  • 40 percent disability rating: $774.16 per month
  • 50 percent disability rating: $1,102.04 per month
  • 60 percent disability rating: $1,395.93 per month
  • 70 percent disability rating: $1,759.19 per month
  • 80 percent disability rating: $2,044.89 per month
  • 90 percent disability rating: $2,297.96 per month
  • 100 percent disability rating: $3,831.30 per month

These amounts assume that you are single with no dependents. If you have dependents — which could be your spouse, children, or parents who depend on you financially — and you receive a VA disability rating of at least 30 percent, you might be eligible for additional compensation on top of the amount listed above.

To Discuss Your Disability Case with a Member of the Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD Team, Call 800-544-9144 For a Free Consultation

At Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD, our attorneys focus on fighting for the rights of our disabled veterans. We want to ensure you get the benefits you deserve. Call 800-544-9144 today for a free consultation.