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SSOC Definition

CCK Law: Our Vital Role in Veterans Law

SSOC stands for Supplemental Statement of the Case. VA sends this document to update a Statement of the Case (SOC) or a previous SSOC, usually because new evidence has surfaced. The purpose of both the SOC and SSOC is to explain why the VA denied your appeal for disability benefits.

Once you receive either a SOC or an SSOC, you have the right to send VA additional evidence. If the additional evidence is not enough to convince VA of your eligibility, it will send an SSOC telling you why.


If VA reviews your Notice of Disagreement and still feels you are not eligible for disability, it sends a subsequent denial in the form of a SOC providing a detailed explanation. The SOC contains a summary of how the VA arrived at its decision.

The SSOC is what you may receive after submitting new evidence in response to the SOC, within your VA Form 9 Substantive Appeal. If VA reviews this new evidence and still issues a denial, it sends an SSOC explaining why and your appeal will go before the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.

What Comes After the SSOC

Once you receive an SSOC, you have the opportunity to submit a response within 30 days. Following this, your appeal will be certified to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.

A veterans lawyer from Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick may be able to help you appeal your denial of VA disability benefits.

Call 800-544-9144 Today for a Free Consultation With the Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD Law Firm

At Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD, our dedicated veterans lawyers may be able to help you file an appeal. Our firm operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning we do not get paid until you do. For a free consultation with a member of our staff, call 800-544-9144 today.