What Do Lawyers Need to Evaluate My ERISA Case?

Our evaluation of your long-term disability claim begins with a call. After that, we may only need to see a copy of your denial letter. Don’t wait to call us because you think you might need more information. We will let you know what information we need.
Why do you need a copy of my policy or denial letter?
We need a copy of the denial letter to determine exactly why the insurer denied your claim. We may also need to review the policy in question to clarify what the policy does and does not cover. We will speak with you and compare the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) policy to the claim denial letter to determine if we can assist you.
Will you need any records from my employer?
We can usually evaluate your case without information from your employer. If we need information from your employer, we will let you know. For example, if we need to review a copy of your policy, and you don’t have it, your employer may be responsible for providing the policy. We may need additional information about your occupation, date of disability, and pre-disability earnings as it relates to your claim.
Will you need records from any other third parties?
Maybe, depending on why your claim was denied. If we need information from a third party, we will let you know. For example, we may need the claim file from the insurance company, or information from your doctors. If your insurer denied your claim for disability benefits, we may need to look at your medical records to determine if your medical condition and impairments meet the criteria for a disability benefits award. Depending on the reason for your denial, we might need medical records that help prove one or more of the following:
- You have impairments that prevent you from working in your own occupation, or any occupation, depending on the terms of your policy
- You are doing what you reasonably can to get better
- Your condition was not pre-existing
Schedule a consultation today.
The process of appealing an ERISA disability claim denial can be complicated, but you do not need to handle it alone. If you received an ERISA claim denial and want to discuss see how we can help you, call Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD today at 401-331-6300.
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