Worst Times to Drive in Rhode Island

Although a majority of the miles driven in Rhode Island do not involve a car accident, they do still occur. Certain times of the year, week, and day are statistically more dangerous to drive than others due to varying factors such as an increased number of vehicles on the road, the weather, and when impaired drivers are more likely to be driving. Within this post, we will highlight the most dangerous times to be behind the wheel in Rhode Island.
Rush Hour
The U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey has revealed that the majority of Rhode Islanders commute to work on weekdays between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., and commute home between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The risk of being involved in an accident increases when more cars are on the road, so exercising extra caution between these hours can reduce that risk. When commuting during these hours, be mindful of the space between your vehicle and the one in front of you and do your best to stay within your own lane.
Times of the Year
Certain times of the year are statistically more dangerous to drive than others. Some holidays and seasons present an increased risk of being involved in a car accident. For example, the 4th of July has been found to be the deadliest holiday for drivers in the United States by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This same study mentions that the number of crashes involving intoxicated drivers increases by 34% between the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s.
Aside from holidays, particular seasons can present an increased risk of car accidents in Rhode Island as well. The winter season can often lead to slippery roads. While driving during the winter in Rhode Island, reduce speeds when the weather calls for it, be mindful of potential black ice, and leave extra space between vehicles on the road.
Road hazards may present themselves after the winter season is over. Potholes often emerge after the winter months, which may cause damage to your vehicle. On a similar note, construction projects often begin in Rhode Island during the warmer months of spring, summer, and autumn. When approaching construction zones, reduce speeds to ensure the safety of everyone on the road and the workers themselves.
Days of the Week
According to a Nationwide Insurance report, the highest number of insurance claims are filed for accidents that occurred on a Friday. Although the most insurance claims are filed for accidents taking place on Fridays, Saturdays are considered to be the most dangerous of the week to drive by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration aside from certain holidays. This is because the risk of encountering drunk drivers increases on Saturday nights. The NHTSA reports that about 31% of all fatal drunk-driving accidents take place on Saturday nights.
Nighttime Driving
Driving at night can present its own set of challenges to Rhode Islanders for many reasons. While driving at night, visibility is reduced, which can increase the risk of being involved in a crash. Additionally, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 55% of impaired drivers involved in fatal motor vehicle traffic crashes occurred between midnight and 3:00 AM.
Driving during any time of the day, week, or year presents its own set of risks. However, statistics show that the most dangerous time to get behind the wheel is when intoxicated individuals chose to drive.
If you were injured in a car accident, reach out to our experienced team of attorneys at Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD. Consultations are always free.
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