North Carolina State Veterans Benefits

CCK Law: Our Vital Role in Veterans Law
Recent surveys have found that veterans comprise 7.5 percent of the adult residents in North Carolina. To serve its large veteran population, the state provides a variety of resources, benefits, and financial aid to veterans living in the state, in addition to benefits offered by VA.
As a law firm that represents many North Carolina veterans, we have compiled a list of state benefits that veterans might be most interested in researching further.
What Housing Benefits Are Available to North Carolina Veterans?
There are currently five veterans homes that are run by the state of North Carolina, with the latest one in Kernersville opening in November 2023. These homes provide housing to honorably discharged North Carolina resident veterans.
These homes are located in:
To be eligible for one of these nursing homes, veterans need to:
- Have served for other than training purposes;
- Been discharged under honorable conditions;
- Be a resident of North Carolina for 24 months; and
- Be referred by a licensed physician and be in need of skilled nursing care.
Importantly, these facilities do have a fee. The fee is based on the actual cost of care and the veteran’s ability to pay.
What Financial Benefits Are Available to North Carolina Veterans?
North Carolina offers several tax breaks and other financial incentives to veterans living in the state.
Income Tax Relief
Military retirement and survivor benefit plans are tax-free. Additionally, all VA disability benefits, regardless of the state the veteran lives in, are tax-free.
Property Tax
Motor vehicles owned by disabled veterans, adapted with special equipment for service-connected disabilities, are eligible for property tax relief.
Honorably discharged veterans with a permanent and total service-connected disability, or those receiving benefits for specially adapted housing, can receive an exemption for up to $45,000 of their permanent residence’s appraised value. There are no age or income restrictions.
Surviving spouses can also be eligible for this property tax benefit if they are receiving DIC benefits from VA.
Vehicle Highway Tax
Veterans with specially adapted vehicles that accommodate the veteran’s disability are exempt from paying highway taxes on that vehicle.
What Employment Benefits Are Available to North Carolina Veterans?
Veterans Employment Preference
North Carolina offers a degree of preference to veterans who served in the armed forces on active duty during wartime, spouses of disabled veterans, and surviving spouses of disabled veterans who were killed in action or died as a result of a service-connected disability.
North Carolina Assistive Technology Program (NCATP)
The NCATP is a state and federally-funded program that provides assistive technology services to a range of people of all ages and abilities. Specifically for veterans, this program provides assistance to veterans with disabilities in their transition from service back to civilian life.
Business Link North Carolina
Veterans from North Carolina can receive assistance from Business Link North Carolina, in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Commerce. For more information, visit their website.
What Recreation Benefits Are Available to North Carolina Veterans?
Lifetime Hunting/Fishing License
Disabled veterans who are North Carolina residents may apply for a lifetime hunting-fishing license. To be eligible, the veteran needs a VA disability rating of 50 percent or higher. The license will be valid for as long as the veteran is rated as 50 percent or more disabled.
At the time of writing, the fees range from $11-$117, depending on the type of license the veteran applies for. These types of licenses include inland fishing, coastal recreational fishing, hunting and inland fishing combo licenses, and sportsman coastal recreational fishing licenses.
What Burial Benefits Are Available to North Carolina Veterans?
North Carolina has four state veterans cemeteries that are part of the North Carolina State Veterans Cemetery Program.
Veterans who are eligible for the program will be provided a free burial plot, as will their legal spouse (and some dependents under certain conditions).

To be considered eligible, an individual must be a “qualified veteran”:
- A former member of the U.S. Armed Forces who served on active duty, other than training, before being discharged under honorable conditions,
- A veteran entitled to retired pay for non-regular service, or a veteran who would have been entitled to retired pay for non-regular service, but for the fact that the person was under the age of 60,
- A legal resident of North Carolina at the time of time, for a period of at least 10 years, or at the time the veteran entered the Armed Forces of the United States.
A veteran’s spouse or dependent may also be eligible. They must:
- Be the spouse, widow, or widower of a qualified veteran or a minor child who is unmarried and dependent on the qualified veteran at the time of death:
- A child under 21 years of age, or under 23 years of age if pursuing a course of instruction at an educational institution approved by VA,
- An unmarried adult child of a qualified veteran who became permanently incapable of self-support because of a physical or mental disability before attaining the age of 18.
There are four state veterans cemeteries in North Carolina. They are:
- Western Carolina State Veterans Cemetery — Black Mountain, North Carolina
- Coastal Carolina Veterans Cemetery — Jacksonville, North Carolina
- Sandhills State Veterans Cemetery — Fort Bragg, North Carolina
- Eastern Carolina State Veterans Cemetery — Goldsboro, North Carolina
How Can North Carolina Veterans Get Help With Their VA Disability Claims?
Are you a North Carolina veteran who has had their claim for VA disability benefits denied? If so, the team at Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick may be able to help.
As the largest veterans law firm in the country, with decades of experience compelling VA to define and follow its rules, our firm has helped thousands of veterans successfully win their appeal for VA disability benefits. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
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