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We Work for Every Veteran

Standing between veterans and their benefits is one of the nation’s largest bureaucracies. Every day, over 400,000 employees in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) struggle to interpret laws, create regulations, and apply benefits consistently across over 6.7 million veterans and survivors. It is not surprising that VA gets things wrong: confusing and inconsistent rules, conflicting decisions, and a resulting appeal backlog so long that many veterans die before seeing compensation.

Since 1999, Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick has played an indispensable role in improving this situation:

  • using avenues like the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) to clarify and improve VA regulations
  • ensuring that as many as possible of our veterans are not left behind
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The Role of CCK Law in Veterans Benefits

In 1988, after decades of campaigning by veterans, advocacy groups, and veterans service organizations, Congress passed and President Reagan signed the Veterans’ Judicial Review Act, which established a new federal court for veterans appeals, the CAVC (then called the U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals).

Since 1999, CCK Law attorneys have been involved in more precedent-setting cases than any other law firm. These decisions have helped define and establish veterans law. For example, in the 2024 case of Laska v. McDonough, CCK Law successfully argued that the CAVC should strike down an extra VA requirement which had effectively eliminated SMC(t), a benefit which Congress created to enable special care for veterans with the most severe traumatic brain injuries.

Every time that CCK Law argues a case, a spotlight is cast on a regulation or situation that has been causing pain and frustration, often for years and for tens of thousands of veterans. The benefits of these decisions are felt not just by our clients, but by millions of America’s most vulnerable veterans and even by the employees of VA itself. This is the role that CCK Law plays.

Keeping America’s Promise to Veterans

As the nation’s largest and most experienced veterans law firm, CCK Law has seen veterans’ plight more fully than most. Our partners, attorneys, and agents are driven daily to provide pro bono support, file amicus briefs, advocate for legislation, volunteer for veterans organizations, train other firms and advocates (who would be considered competitors in other contexts), and create thousands of articles and videos of free content and tools for the disabled veteran community and its advocates.

But ultimately, the dilemma facing veterans is a legal one. We are a country that has learned to care for our veterans; CCK Law, the CAVC, and the VA appeals process have been essential to making good on that hard-earned lesson.

CCK Law fights only for what our country has promised our veterans. We advocate for consistency, fairness, and justice. We work for a day when veterans law firms won’t be so necessary. We work for every veteran.