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Veterans (VA) Disability Lawyer Orlando, Florida

Orlando veterans who suffer disabling medical conditions caused or worsened by their military service are entitled to receive disability benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Establishing service connection may provide monthly compensation and healthcare, as well as employment assistance, and other benefits.

The process of applying for VA disability benefits can seem daunting to many veterans in Florida. Applications for well-earned benefits unfortunately often end in denied claims, leaving veterans feeling frustrated, disappointed, and even hopeless.

The legal team at Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD believes that as a veteran, you should not have to struggle to get the benefits the government owes you for your service and sacrifice. We are proud to serve those who have served our country, and we hope you will allow us to put our experience, knowledge, and resources to work for you. Call us today at (800) 544-9144 for a free consultation to determine if we may assist you.

Orlando VA Regional Benefit Office(s)

Orlando: Orlando Veteran Service Center and Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Office

Orlando: Lake Nona Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Office

Orlando VA Medical Centers

Orlando: Orlando Vet Center

Orlando: Orlando VA Medical Center

Kissimmee: Kissimmee VA Clinic

Lake Baldwin: Lake Baldwin VA Clinic

Appealing a Denial of Benefits in Orlando

The veterans of Orlando, Florida have served our country proudly and valiantly—many with great sacrifice. The veterans’ disability lawyers and advocates at Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD are here to ensure they get the benefits they have earned.

If you have applied for VA disability benefits and VA denied your claim, you can file an appeal, and we can help you do it. Our experienced team will make sure your appeal contains all the criteria VA deems essential to a successful appeal, including:

  • Evidence that you sustained an in-service injury, illness, or event;
  • Documentation of a current diagnosis from a qualified medical practitioner; and
  • Proof of a link between your current diagnosis and an in-service injury, illness, or event (referred to as the “nexus”).

Successfully demonstrating these three required elements can be challenging—even overwhelming—for many veterans. But with our assistance, you can relieve yourself of the entire matter. A veterans (VA) disability lawyer at Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD serving Orlando, Florida can file your appeal and stay on top of the entire process, doing our best to ensure an efficient and positive outcome for you.

Presumption of Service Connection

For certain situations, VA presumes that a veteran’s disease, illness, or condition resulted from their qualifying military service. In these cases, the veteran is not required to fulfill the third criterion for benefits—the nexus. VA already acknowledges that based on your condition and your location and time of service, you may be likely to experience certain medical conditions.

An example of a presumption of service connection is for veterans who served in Vietnam. These service members are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange, a toxic herbicide that has been linked to many diseases and illnesses, including type II diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, and prostate cancer.

VA also presumes service connection for:

  • A set of conditions or symptom patterns suffered by Gulf War veterans. This connection is established under VA regulation 38 CFR § 3.317.
  • “Atomic veterans” who served in Nagasaki or Hiroshima, as well as those who participated in nuclear testing or were otherwise exposed to ionizing radiation via their military service.
  • Former POWs for certain disabilities, based on the length of the veteran’s captivity.

VA Disability Compensation Levels

Your combined VA disability rating is what determines how much compensation you will receive each month. Your disease, illness, or condition is assessed for severity and then assigned a rating. If you suffer multiple conditions, VA calculates a combined rating based on its formula for arriving at this number.

In essence, the higher your disability rating, the higher the amount of monthly compensation you receive from the VA. With a 0 rating, you do not qualify for monthly compensation, but you might qualify for healthcare or other benefits.

As of December 1st, 2024, the VA disability rate benefit amounts are as follows:

  • 0 percent disability rating: $0.00 per month
  • 10 percent disability rating: $175.51 per month
  • 20 percent disability rating: $346.95 per month
  • 30 percent disability rating: $537.42 per month
  • 40 percent disability rating: $774.16 per month
  • 50 percent disability rating: $1,102.04 per month
  • 60 percent disability rating: $1,395.93 per month
  • 70 percent disability rating: $1,759.19 per month
  • 80 percent disability rating: $2,044.89 per month
  • 90 percent disability rating: $2,297.96 per month
  • 100 percent disability rating: $3,831.30 per month

Call Us for a Free Disability Benefits Consultation

Let us put our passion, knowledge, and experience in the area of veterans’ disability benefits to work for you. Call a veteran (VA) disability lawyer serving Orlando, Florida at (800) 544-9144 today for a free consultation to determine if we can help you.